





Anti Virus

Anti Virus

Membersihkan Trojan-Downloader.Win32.Delf.xo

Dec 30, 2009

Lagi main - main ke forum nemu orang kena penyakit Trojan-Downloader.Win32.Delf.xo
langsung aja ane ngikut - ngikut [ sok tau ].

Trojan downloader . win32 . Delf.xo merupakan trojan yang memanggil bala bantuan [ trojan lain ] jadi jangan heran jika saat ter-infeksi virus ini komputer akan selalu meminta koneksi internet.

biasa nya Anti virus yang memiliki kemampuan internet security akan langsung memblokir ip yang akan si - pirus panggil , bisa dilihat gambar di bawah ini

[anti virus di atas menggunakan ESET NOD 32]

virus ini terdekteksi sebagai

win32.delf.xo pada anti virus kaspersky
Generic.downloader C pada anti virus McAfee
Downloader.Bancos!gen pada Symantec
Trojan.DownLoader.4662 pada DoctorWeb
Possible_Virus Trend Micro
TR/Dldr.Delf.XO pada HBDEV
Win32:Delf-gen7 pada ALWILL
Downloader.Generic.GSP pada Grisoft
Trojan.Downloader.Delf.XO pada Softwin
Trojan.Downloader.Delf-162 pada CalmAV
Win32/TrojanDownloader.Delf.SH dan pada ESET

wah sudah terdeteksi dimana mana ya ... hahahaha

sudah di pastikan virus ini pasaran dan sudah menyebar di mana mana , dan jangan heran jika nanti visitor sekalian merupakan korban dan virus ini ...

nah berikut ini cara - cara pembersihan nya sampai ke akar akar [ sadis ]

1 . masuk start - run - ketik service.msc

2. cari service PnkBstrA

setelah itu disable aja ...

masuk ke

buka host nya pake notepad terus tambahin baris ini,,,

download malwarebytes

lakukan full scan

save deh......

mudah kan hahaha , 1 lagi kalau mau virus ini download aja disini , siapa tau buat iseng wkwkwkwkw

Tips menggoreng Kentang dengan motherboard dan processor + Windows

Dec 12, 2009

Sebetul nya cara ini tidak ali rekomendasikan bagi yang masih punya kompor tapi berhubung mau ekperimen bisa di coba kok ....

hal ini ali pastikan adalah benar jadi ngga mungkin sotomie, langsung saja ...

Pertama Visitor bisa siapkan Minyak terlebih dahulu ...

Tuangkan kedalam bejana , bahasa keren nya wajan - - "

Tunggu beberapa saat sampai ngumpruk

Supaya cepat panas ali rekomendasikan sambil nyetel trailer dari sora aoi hha

Setelah agak mendidih masukan kentang ngga ada kentang singkong pun jadi ngga ada singkong cicak pun jadi ..

Tunggu sampai agak ke kuning kuningan sambil di aduk terus...

so ... tiriskan kentang goreng motherboard pun siap di sajikan mudah bukan

resep dapat di temui di majalah pc world edisi mendatang :D ...

note :

ali tidak bertanggung jawab tentang apa yang bakal terjadi
hal yang paling fatal saat nonton sora aoi birahi memuncak minyak panas eh lagi coks nyenggol minyak kena si stuart udah deh ali ngga tau /kabur

narasumber : Vehn

Windows 7 vs. Windows Vista - 234% More Sold Boxed Copies

Dec 11, 2009

In the first week on the market

Windows 7’s overall superiority to Windows Vista has translated into the latest iteration of the Windows client, leaving its predecessor in the dirt in terms of commercial success as well. Windows 7 RTM has been embraced by over three times more customers compared to Vista RTM in the first week on the market alone. Market research company, The NPD Group, indicated that initial sales of the boxed, retail copies of Windows 7 dwarfed those of Vista’s. In the first few days on the U.S. market, Microsoft sold 234% more boxed copies than Vista, noted The NPD Group.

“Microsoft’s program of early low-cost pre-sales, high visibility marketing, and aggressive deals helped make the Windows 7 software launch successful,” revealed Stephen Baker, vice president of industry analysis at NPD. “In a slow environment for packaged software Windows 7 brought a large number of customers into the software aisles.”

Microsoft executives, including Chief Executive Officer Steve Ballmer, had revealed during visits in Taipei and Japan that Windows 7 sales were strong. However, Microsoft has so far failed to confirm the data provided by The NPD Group. At the same time, the Redmond company has yet to make public any official sales figures associated with Windows 7.

Still, although it outsold Vista by 234%, Windows 7 delivered a smaller boost in actual revenue. Statistics provided through the NPD’s weekly tracking service, reveal that actual Windows 7 dollar sales were only 82% higher than Vista. This can be explained through not only the consistent discounts on pre-sales that Microsoft offered, but also through less sales of the Ultimate flavor of Windows 7, as Microsoft worked to focus consumers more on the Home Premium and Professional editions.

And, as was expected, the launch of Windows 7 also contributed to pushing sales of Windows PCs, although to a lesser degree than Vista did starting with the end of January 2007. Sales of Windows 7 computers were 6% less than those of Vista machines, in a maker that reveals an overall 49% year-over-year units growth, and 95% over the week prior to Windows 7’s general availability on October 22nd, 2009.

“A combination of factors impacted Windows 7 PC sales at the outset, but the trajectory of overall PC sales is very strong leading into the holiday season,” added Baker. “Vista had a slight advantage at launch, as January traditionally has a bigger sales footprint than October. The other hurdle Windows 7 faced was sales of PCs with older operating systems (XP and Vista) were high, making up 20 percent of sales during the Windows 7 launch, compared to just 6 percent of older operating sales during Vista’s launch week."

Mengatasi Conficker [Cara Terbaru]

Dec 7, 2009

Kesel kena virus confliker jelas ini merupakan virus yang memiliki phobia tersendiri bagi user , sejauh ini sudah ribuan removal tools tapi belum bisa membasmi Conficker sampai ke retnik - retnik nya

maka itu di bentuk-lah cara membasmi
Conficker paling ampuh saat ini.

inilah cara yang paling baru dan recomended di gunakan untuk membasmi confliker sampai ke akar- akar.

1. jalankan patch berikut berurutan. Pilih sesuai sistem operasi yang anda gunakan.

Microsoft Security Bulletin MS08-067 – Critical - Vulnerability in Server Service Could Allow Remote Code Execution

Microsoft Security Bulletin MS08-068 – Important - Vulnerability in SMB Could Allow Remote Code Execution

Microsoft Security Bulletin MS09-001 - Critical - Vulnerabilities in SMB Could Allow Remote Code Execution

2. download Eset Conflicker Remover.

3. lihat halaman, Basic Computer Maintenance

4. Update antivirus anda dan full scan semua drive. Bila belum ada antivirus di komputer anda. NOD32 sangat disarankan. Download di sini.

Note : bagi yang windows nya tidak asli silahkan gunakan cara 2 sampai 4 saja

TuneUp 2010 [ include Serial number ]

Maintain system

Maintain system

Keep your PC in top shape: With only one click, you maintain your computer and provide more stability.

Increase performance

Increase performance

Get the maximum from your PC and experience top speed for your work and games.

Fix problems

Fix problems

As easy as pie: Solve Windows problems quickly, easily, and reliably or restore deleted files.

Customize Windows

Customize Windows

Give your Windows a new look: cool new boot screens, icons, and animations — free for downloading.

Turbo Mode

NEW! Turbo Mode

Disable unneeded processes and concentrate all the PC processing power on your active program!

Live Optimization

NEW! Live Optimization

Accelerate the startup and response times of your programs — for optimal PC performance!

Download Trial
Serial Number

Seven Transformation Pack (formerly Vista Transformation Pack) 4.0

Bring to your desktop the look of Microsoft's Windows 7 operating system

Seven Transformation Pack will convert your XP based system to look like Windows 7 and some of its features emulated. You don't have to purchase Windows 7 or any 3rd-party applications to get Windows 7 UI experiences. This transformation pack will simply make it done for you for free!

This will update your Windows XP and Windows Server 2003 with Windows Seven GUI by adding some themes and replacing system files.

Seven Transformation Pack gives to your system the fresh and cool look of Microsoft's new operating system: Windows 7. The pack changes most of the system icons, skins and toolbars and also adds new enhancements to your desktop.

What's New in This Release: [ read full changelog ]

· Added giannisgx89's "Windows 7" visual style for Windows Vista
· Added localization support with some fixes in wording and correction (You can modify vilang.sif for program to read in other languages. It may not work on languages with IME unicode charset though)
· Added more system files modification for Windows Vista
· Shell Elements (Start Menu, Explorer)
· Startup Animation
· Tray Icons Set
· dded uxtheme.dll patching for custom theme compatibilities in Windows XP x64 Edition and Windows Vista (x86/x64)
· Added Windows setup files selection warning for people who use this normally but curious about it
· Added x64 system files modification support (Requires .NET Framework 2.0 or higher)
· Fixed 3rd-party applications startup conflicts with installation in configuration file
· Fixed boot screen not applying in some operating systems
· Fixed directory writable checking before preserving vtp.sif in local directory (CD, Network, etc.)
· Fixed exiting application when unsupported OS detected for ux...

Reasons why this program is marked as ad-supported:

· Offers to change the homepage for web browsers installed on the system

Mahoo - Music Engine , cari mp3 Gratis lebih cepat

Dec 4, 2009

Setelah ali menuangkan inspirasi dan glora akhir nya situs yang sudah 3 minggu ali kembangkan akhirnya selesai juga.

merupakan situs yang mengefisienkan waktu visitor dalam mencari lagu, jadi visitor tidak usah susah susah dan repot lagi untuk mencari lagu dengan direct url yang tepat, kadang visitor menemui url yang sudah tidak aktif lagi atau bertemu dengan torent - torent yang tidak jelas untuk itulah tujuan situs ini ali buat.

situs ini kemungkinan besar masih banyak "vulnerability" karena bikin nya yang asal - asalan + sambil buffer megaporn jadi agak - agak ngga berkah gitu deh :p,dalam tahap penyempurnaan ali mau konsultasi dulu ke forum tecon untuk keamanan nya.

bagi yang penasaran bisa langsung kunjungi dengan

Click Here [ Mahoo - Music Engine ]

Software Cek Quota telkom speedy dan Pilihan Paket

selamat datang para visitor , sekarang ali mau membahas tentang costumer speedol [ plesetan untuk speedy :D ]
ali yakin pasti 40% visitor pasti memakai provider speedy , kita sering mendengar banyak orang yang mengalami kebobolan quota , bandwith kurang pas , sering putus , sangat lelet buat buffer redtube :p hhe ....

sekarang ali mau bagi - bagi software yang sangat recomended di gunakan untuk para pengguna jasa speedy, kegunaan software yang akan ali kasih adalah sebagai berikut :

Untuk menentukan paket speedy apakah yang cocok untuk visitor sekalian
Untuk mencek batas Quota dan sisa Bandwith yang dimiliki agar tidak terjadi pembengkakan biaya

langsung aja ali share software nya nih :

cek paket speedy yang cocok buat kamu

Berhubung sekarang Telkom Speedy sudah ganti paket, dan paketnya ada banyak, kayanya sudah saatnya ada aplikasi yang bisa membantu calon pelanggan untuk memilih paket yang dia inginkan atau bagi yang sudah jadi pelanggan, ingin mengambil paket yang paling efektif untuk digunakan.

Sekarang ini ada aplikasi yang bisa membantu user/calon-user untuk memilih kira-kira paket mana yang paling efektif untuk Telkom Speedy, namanya Spachoo!

Support : Windows XP - Vista - Windows 7 - other

Untuk Software Download Disini [ Via Mediafire File Hosting ]

Untuk cara memakai nya bisa di buffer Disini [ Via Youtube ]

Tambahan ++

Sebetul nya Feature cek quota Speecy sudah ada pada software di atas tapi masih sering error jadi bagi visitor yang ngebet banget mau liat sisa quota nya, bisa :D

Gunakan software Speedy Quota [ By Keminisme ]
Screen Shot :

Download Disini

MySpace Music Launches in the UK

Dec 3, 2009

MySpace Music takes on Spotify in one of its most entrenched markets, the UK
Enlarge picture

To take on Spotify in one of its most entrenched markets

Things are as messy as ever in the music streaming business yet most people are surprisingly determined in pushing forward. MySpace is now launching its Music service in the UK after being available in the US and recently in Australia and New Zealand. The free streaming service will offer millions of songs, though no exact figure was provided, and tens of thousands videos taking Spotify, which is very popular in the country, head on.

“The UK is renowned for its passionate and committed music fans, and MySpace has had a rich history with its artist community. Acts like Arctic Monkeys and Lily Allen embraced MySpace from the outset, and are now synonymous with the site. I’m thrilled to announce MySpace Music is now officially available to all artists and music fans in the UK,” MySpace Music president Courtney Hold writes.

MySpace Music will be completely free in the UK with an ad-supported revenue model. There will be ads in between songs as all the advertising will be on the site itself. Of course, this is true for most websites in the world so it's not exactly surprising. However, Spotify, which will likely be its greatest competitor in the UK, does insert audio ads between tracks in the free version of the service so this may very well be MySpace's biggest draw.

MySpace has support from all the major labels, as well as from the usual array of indie labels, but this is basically standard for any music streaming service these days. It also signed a deal with PRS for Music, an UK rights group which claims to represent some 65,000 artists in the country, and any of its members can receive royalties from the songs they have on MySpace.

Still, it probably has an up-hill battle in the UK where Spotify is pretty well entrenched. It does have a huge social network to leverage of course, but MySpace has been bleeding users in the UK just like everywhere else. Back home, in the US, there is talk that MySpace Music may be forced to drop the free service which proved unprofitable so far after pressure from the music labels, the same pressure which has delayed Spotify's launch in the US.

Tutorial DDos [100 % TESTED &WORKING]

Nov 28, 2009

Selamat berkunjung para visitor yang kelaparan akan informasi.

Sekarang ane lagi bingung mau nulis apa , yang enak apa ya ... bosen juga kalau lama lama nulis tweaking dan maintenance sekali-sekali ane tulis tentang hacking tapi yang mudah mudah aja.

langsung saja sekarang kita membahas tentang DDOS.

a itu DDOS ? simak aja artikel ini :

DDoS attack adalah Distributed-Denial-of-Service attack, sebuah usaha untuk membuat suatu sumber daya komputer menjadi tidak bisa dipakai oleh user-nya, dengan menggunakan ribuan zombie system yang ‘menyerang’ secara bersamaan. Tujuannya negatif, yakni agar sebuah website atau layanan online tidak bisa bekerja dengan efisien atau bahkan mati sama sekali, untuk sementara waktu atau selama-lamanya. DDoS attack adalah salah satu model dari DoS ( denial-of-service) attack.

Target serangan DoS attack bisa ditujukan ke berbagai bagian jaringan. Bisa ke routing devices, web, electronic mail, atau server Domain Name System.

Ada 5 tipe dasar DoS attack :

1. Penggunaan berlebihan sumber daya komputer, seperti bandwith, disk space, atau processor.
2. Gangguan terhadap informasi konfigurasi, seperti informasi routing.
3. Gangguan terhadap informasi status, misalnya memaksa me-reset TCP session.
4. Gangguan terhadap komponen-komponen fisik network.
5. Menghalang-halangi media komunikasi antara komputer dengan user sehingga mengganggu komunikasi.

DoS attack juga termasuk eksekusi malware, yang dimaksudkan untuk :

* Memaksimalkan kerja processor, sehingga memblok tugas-tugas yang lain.
* Memicu terjadinya error di dalam microcode.
* Memicu error pada urutan instruksi dan memaksa komputer menjadi tidak stabil dan locked-up.
* Memanfaatkan error-error yang ada di system operasi yang berbuntut pada ‘kematian’ system.
* Membuat system operasi menjadi crash.
* iFrame (D)DoS, di dalamnya terdapat sebuah dokumen HTML yang sengaja dibuat untuk mengunjungi halaman web ber-kilobyte tinggi dengan berulang-ulang, hingga melampaui batas bandwith.

Gejala-gejala DDoS attack :

* Kinerja jaringan menurun. Tidak seperti biasanya, membuka file atau mengakses situs menjadi lebih lambat.
* Fitur-fitur tertentu pada sebuah website hilang.
* Website sama sekali tidak bisa diakses.
* Peningkatan jumlah email spam yang diterima sangat dramatis. Tipe DoS yang ini sering diistilahkan dengan “Mail Bomb”.

Contoh kasus DoS attack :

1. Februari 2007, lebih dari 10.000 server game online seperti Return to Castle Wolfenstein, Halo, Counter-Strike, diserang oleh group hacker “RUS”. DDoS attack berasal dari 1.000 lebih komputer yang terletak di negara bekas Uni Sovyet. Kebanyakan berasal dari Rusia, Uzbekistan dan Belarusia.

2. Juli 2008, banyak blog milik blogger-blogger konservatif, termasuk, merasa mendapat serangan DDoS attack hingga beberapa terpaksa harus offline. Serangan ini dikaitkan dengan 3 IP address yang diregister melalui ke, situs resmi calon presiden AS dari partai Demokrat, Barrack Obama. Sebelumnya, beberapa pendukung Obama juga melakukan serangan ke situs-situs pendukung Hillary Rodham Clinton dengan menggunakan Sampai 8 Agustus kemarin, asal pasti serangan masih belum jelas, namun Obama atau tim kampanyenya secara personal dianggap terlibat.

Sudah faham ? ,

kalau begitu kita langsung praktek aja deh cape ngomong terus ...

Tutorial :
Pertama tama kalian semua harus memiliki koneksi internet tidak perlu harus mempunya bandwith besar terus kalian download softwarenya disini
beberapa antivirus seperti avast, avg atau NOD32 akan mendeteksi file tersebut adalah virus sebaiknya disablekan dulu antivirusnya apa bila ingin menggunakannya (sebaiknya jangan) setelah di download buka file tersebut nanti akan timbul gambar seperti ini masukkan alamat ip korban pada kolom yang tertulis "localhost" apabila anda tidak mengetahui ip addresnya klik menu "toolz" pilih "URL To IP Converter" tinggal tekan "Attack"

NB:Untuk Server Yang Kuat Gunakan Beberapa Komputer sekaligus serta ubah "interval" nya menjadi lebih kecil.

cocok buat ngerjain temen atau server sekolah yang lagi Deadline entry nilai ane juga pernah pake cara ini pas kelas 1 sma biar bisa remedial gitu, bagi yang belom ngerti bisa di baca lagi kok dan ane mau nambahin nih software DDOS itu segudang macam nya semakin banyak komputer yang melakukan DDOS semakin lemot tuh server ...

ok sampai disini perjumpaan kite wassalam .

Test the Brand-New Google Homepage Redesign Yourself – Screenshots

With a simple JavaScript trick

Google is always tweaking the design of its products even, or especially, that of its search engine. The site has evolved in time but for the most part the changes have been subdued and discrete. Not anymore though, Google is planning a major revamp of its search engine, by Google standards anyway, promising to be the biggest single redesign to date. The company is already testing the design with a number of users, but the rest of us will have to wait until next year to get to see it in action. However, if you just can't wait that long, there's a little trick you can use to get into the trial.

The trick involves modifying the cookies Google stores on your computer to keep various settings and data. This sounds more complicated than it really is, all you need to do is copy and paste the code below into your browser's address bar. You need to sign out of your Google account either before or after pasting the code and then you should see the brand-new design regardless of whether you're signed in or not.

After this, the new design is all yours in all its Technicolor glory. It's still the same minimalist Google design that we all know and love, but it's gotten a bit livelier. A lot livelier actually, thanks to the small icons adorning the categories in the now-permanent sidebar, but especially to the bright, new blue, which is everywhere from the links to the logo.

There's a more detailed account of the features and changes in the new design over here. Moreover, if you want to check out the “disappearing” homepage Google has also been testing for a while, you can read about it here. And, finally, if you don't want to mess with your browser's cookies you can check out some screenshots below.

Here's the code you need to copy and then paste in the address bar:


The new Google homepage
Enlarge picture
The main search results page in Google Search
Enlarge picture
The news filter in Google Search
Enlarge picture
The video section in Google Search
Enlarge picture

Symantec Online Store Hacked

Nov 27, 2009

User passwords and product serial numbers potentially exposed

A self-proclaimed grey-hat hacker has located a critical SQL injection vulnerability in a website belonging to security giant Symantec. The flaw can be leveraged to extract a wealth of inf
ormation from the database including customer and admin login credentials, product serial numbers, and possibly credit card information.

The flaw was found by a Romanian hacker going by the online handle of Unu, according to whom an insecure parameter of a script from the website, allows for a blind SQL injection (SQLi) attack to be performed. In such an attack, the hacker obtains read and/or write permission to the underlying database of the vulnerable website.

During a regular SQLi attack, the result of a rogue SQL query is displayed inside the browser instead of the normal web page output. Meanwhile, in a blind SQL injection, the query executes, but the website continues to display normally, making it much more difficult to extract information.

Symantec PC Doctor database server information
The content of the website is written in Japanese, but from what we could determine, it serves a product called Norton PC Doctor. Accessing most of the website's sections requires authentication, and in order to exploit the blind SQLi vulnerability, the hacker had to use a few specialized tools. The Web server appears to be running Windows Server 2000 as operating system, Microsoft IIS 6.0 with ASP support and Microsoft SQL Server 2000 as database back-end.

From the screen shots released by Unu there are many potentially interesting databases, but the one he chose to look at is called "symantecstore." One of the tables in this database is named "PaymentInformationInfo" and contains columns such as BillingAddress, CardExpirationMonth, CardExpirationYear, CardNumber, CardType, CcIssueCode, CustomerEmail, CustomerFirstName, CustomerLastName or SecurityIndicator.

Database listing on Symantec PC Doctor server
Unu claims that his interest is only to point out security issues and not misuse any data. Therefore, according to him, he did not attempt to extract any information from this table. Instead, he focused on another one called TB_MEMBER, which contains 70,356 records.

For demonstration purposes, he extracted 6 of these entries at random, revealing customer names and login credentials with the passwords stored in plain text; a major security oversight. The hacker also notes that passwords for the accounts in a different table called TB_EMPLOYEE are also stored in a similar insecure way.

A third table Unu chose to investigate is called TB_ORDER and contains columns such as ProductName, ProductNumber, SaleAmount and SerialNumber. There are 122,152 entries in the SerialNumber column.

This is not the first time when Unu scrutinizes the security of websites belonging to antivirus vendors. His previous targets includes Kaspersky and Bitdefender. Some months back, he even disclosed a vulnerability affecting a different Symantec website. The AV company eventually played down its impact.

At the end of his most recent disclosure, Unu mentions his previous attack against Kaspersky's US online store website. "There was fair play, they quickly secured vulnerable parameter, and even if at first they were very angry at me, finally understood that I did not extract, I saved nothing, I did not abused in any way by those data found. My goal was, what is still, to warn. To call attention [sic.]," the hacker writes on his blog.

Note: We have alerted Symantec about the potential security breach. We will update this article when/if more information becomes available.

Update: In an e-mail to Softpedia, Symantec has confirmed the existence of a vulnerabiliy in the Here is the full statement we received:

"A SQL injection vulnerability has been identified at The Web site facilitates customer support for users of Symantec's Norton-branded products in Japan and South Korea only. This incident does not affect Symantec customers anywhere else in the world.

"This incident impacts customer support in Japan and South Korea but does not affect the safety and usage of Symantec's Norton-branded consumer products. Symantec is currently in the process of updating the Web site with appropriate security measures and will bring it back online as soon as possible. Symantec is still investigating the incident has no further details to share at this time."

Mengatasi Virus Virut

Nov 4, 2009

Virus menginfeksi file-file .exe sehingga tidak dapat dieksekusi.
Dowload file rmvirut.exe dan rmvirut.nt. Kemudian jalankan rmvirut.exe
atau download Kaspersky Virus Removal Tools. ambil yang tanggalnya paling baru.
yang ini removal dari AVG Technologhy

Memancing virus menggunakan Killer Machine

Nov 3, 2009

virus removal n take back common registry values. Killer machine bisa mengembalikan kondisi-kondisi seperti mengenable kembali regedit, search, run, dan itu akan dilakukan setelah restart. Jika belum punya Cyberhawk, biasakan instal dulu cyberhawk karena ini adalah kombinasi yang ampuh. Cyberhawk bisa mendeteksi gerakanvirus walaupun belum ada antivirus yang bisa menanganinya.

untuk killer machine nya dapat anda download di cari disini

Google Wave

Oct 31, 2009

Ada yang sudah tau google wave ? kabar nya inilah suatu andalan google berikut nya karena banyak sekali developer - developer yang turut mendukung pembuatan google wave.

walau google masih merahasiakan google wave tetapi situs google wave sudah di buka untuk public, hanya saja masih seperti survey sebelum mendaftar dan harus menunggu email undangan sebelum dapat menggunakan nya.

apabila dilihat dari gambar di bawah ini


Google wave memiliki beberapa fasilitas seperti mail,chat,games,wall to wall,update status dan lain nya.


tidak heran apabila nanti orang orang bonavit akan meninggalkan facebook dan beralih ke google wave , disamping pendaftaran nya yang sulit pasti sedikit alay - alay :D yang terjun ke google wave

Jenis - Jenis licensi microsoft

Oct 30, 2009

Pada topik pembicaraan kali ini ane akan menerangkan jenis jenis licensi microsoft yang segunung jenis nya ..

  • FPP = Full Product Package, satu box berisi CD install Ms. Windows
(mungkin juga dilengkapi dengan buku manual), kemasan ber-hologram dan ada seri-nomornya. Boleh secara bergantian (hanya sah dipakai pada satu PC/Notebook) diinstalkan kepada komputer lain (dengan catatan instalan Ms.Windows di komputer sebelumnya dihapus), tidak melekat pada satu komputer tertentu, tidak melekat kepada pribadi pemilik atau organisasi pemiliknya,dapat dijual kembali kepada orang lain. Harga paling mahal.

  • OEM = Original Equipment Manufacturer, biasanya dijual bersama komputer baru, dan semestinya hanya dijual kepada toko perakit komputer (tidak langsung kepada pembeli), kemudian perakit menjualnya bersama dengan
komputernya (bundle komputer dan OS). Toko / perakit komputer bisa menambahkan Logo atau kata promosi lain pada halaman My Computer => Properties karena ada bawaan software untuk menambahkan logo tersebut. Licensi ini melekat pada komputer, artinya kalau komputernya rusak
motherboardnya) sehingga harus ganti motherboard atau komputer maka lisensi
menjadi hangus dan tidak berlaku / tidak sah untuk diinstalkan pada komputer yang kedua. (Biasanya tidak bisa diregistrasikan online bila diinstal pada komputer lain). Harga lisensi ini biasanya paling murah.

  • OLP = Open License Package, biasanya hanya berupa selembar kertas licensi
(ukuran A4) untuk suatu perusahaan atau organisasi yang membeli beberapa
unit software
(mis. 5 unit Ms. Windows untuk 5 PC, plus 5 unit Ms. Office
untuk 5 PC),
sehingga sebuah perusahaan hanya perlu se lembar licensi untuk

semua produk software yang dipakai
(dengan dicantumkan jumlah unit PC untuk
setiap judul software).
Kemudian pembeli bisa membeli hanya satu Media CD

(CD untuk Install) untuk diinstalkan pada beberapa PC sesuai dengan jumlah
unit PC yang tercantum dalam kertas lisensi tersebut. License software
tersebut melekat pada nama perusahaan
(apabila dipindah-tangankan bisa lapor
ke Microsoft untuk diubah nama organisasinya). Keuntungannya kalau suatu PC rusak bisa diinstalkan pada PC penggantinya, atau pun jika tidak rusak,
license boleh dipindahkan ke PC lain selama jumlah total PC yang terinstal
tidak melebihi jumlah unit yang tercantum pada license. Harga hampir sama
dengan OEM tapi kadang lebih mahal daripada OEM karena OLP lebih fleksibel.
Pada OLP tidak tersedia license Windows melainkan yang ada adalah Windows
upgrade (beli dulu minimal Windows Starter Pack OEM kemudian diupgrade
dengan Windows Business / Professional Upgrade OLP).

  • OLV = Open License Value Pack, mirip OLP, biasanya untuk suatu perusahaan
yang mengangsur licensinya selama 2 atau 3 tahun, sebelum angsuran lunas
dianggap sewa pakai dan kalau sudah lunas menjadi milik perusahaan.

  • Enterprise Agreement = license berupa kertas untuk perusahaan besar,
persyaratan biasanya minimal 200 unit atau lebih (mis. 100 unit Windows dan
100 unit Office dihitung menjadi 200 unit).

Untuk OLP, OLV dan Enterprise Agreement tersedia harga khusus untuk lembaga
pendidikan (Academic Edition) dan sosial (yang berizin = Charity Edition).

  • School Agreement = license untuk sekolah SMA ke bawah, bersifat langganan
tahunan (annual subscription). Boleh dipakai oleh lembaga, guru dan siswa
selama di sekolah. Ada rumus untuk menghitung jumlah unitnya yang dilakukan
authorized reseller setelah disurvey atau pihak sekolah mengisi questionair.

  • Campus Agreement = license untuk perguruan tinggi, bersifat langganan
tahunan (annual subscription). Boleh dipakai oleh lembaga, dosen dan
mahasiswa selama di kampus. Ada rumus untuk menghitung jumlah unitnya yang
dilakukan authorized reseller setelah disurvey atau pihak sekolah mengisi

Untuk School dan Campus Agreement tersedia Work-At-Home option untuk
Siswa/Mahasiswa maupun Guru/Dosen. Untuk Siswa / Mahasiswa bisa diconvert
menjadi license permanent setelah dia meninggalkan sekolah / kampus dengan
tambahan sedikit biaya yang dibayar oleh siswa / mahasiswa tersebut.

Tips Browsing Sebagai GoogleBot

Oct 16, 2009

Untuk menyamar sebagai Google untuk mengakses situs, tidak cukup hanya dengan mengganti user-agent saja, mereka juga dapat mendeteksi anda melalui alamat IP, JavaScript, Cookie dan Referer. Jadi, bagaimana anda dapat mengalahkan lima metode deteksi di atas?

1. Kalahkan deteksi IP address dengan menggunakan Google Translate sebagai proxy, gunakan translasi bahasa Spanyol -> Inggris walaupun situs yang anda kunjungi sudah berbahasa Inggris.

2. Kalahkan deteksi user agent dengan menggunakan extension User-Agent Switcher Firefox untuk mengganti user agent anda menjadi Google Bot dengan text ini "Googlebot/2.1 (".

3. Kalahkan deteksi JavaScript dengan menggunakan extension Web Developer Toolbar untuk mematikan JavaScript.

4. Hindari deteksi melalui Cookie dengan menggunakan extension Web Developer Toolbar untuk mematikan cookie.

5. Kalahkan deteksi referer dengan menggunakan extension RefControl untuk mencegah browser anda mengirimkan variabel referer.

Menggunakan metode-metode ini sangatlah efektif untuk mengakses berbagai situs yang memungut bayaran.

Windows 7 Systweak Advanced System Optimizer

Oct 13, 2009

Systweak Advanced System Optimizer v3 is a multi-functional system performance and optimization suite for Windows. This collection of tools lets you supercharge your PC's performance, enhance its security, tweak and optimize its settings, and customize and personalize your screens. It works with a Single Click of Mouse.

New Features included in Advanced System Optimizer v3.0
The new Essential set of tools includes:
Smart PC Care
It is a comprehensive set of scans which check the PC for various problems and gets rid of them in one go.
•It Clean junk data & free up disk space • Defrag hard disk for optimizer performance
•Scan & Clean spyware • Clean hidden privacy exposing traces
•Scan for outdated drivers and required drivers • Clean Registry errors
•Optimize registry for better performance

Driver Updater
•Scans your system for out-of-date device drivers
•Presents a summary of out-of-date drivers
•Automatically downloads and installs updated drivers in a click
•Creates a backup of existing drivers before updating

Game Optimizer
•Provides a private virtual desktop optimized for gameplay
•Lets you enjoy your gaming free from distractions
•Ensures that all available system resources are devoted to your game
•Enables you to program special key mapping for each game

System Protector
•Constantly monitors your system processes for spyware activities
•Identifies, detects, and removes spyware from your system
•Regularly updated definitions assure you of constant protection
•Identifies and ranks the severity of spyware programs on your computer

Disk Tools
•Scans your file system of your hard drive for errors
•Finds bad sectors on your hard disk
•Can be used to salvages readable data from bad hard disk sectors
•Provides valuable information about each hard drive on your system
•Performs a health check on each drive in your system

Backup Manager
•Allows you to create a backup copy of files and folders
•Create backup profiles for specific files and folders
•Schedule automated runs of backup processes

PC Fixer
•Automatically diagnoses hundreds of common issues that affect your PC experience
•Provides a summary of recommended tweaks, sorted by category
•Provides a summary of date, category, and action of last repair performed
•Lets you search through the suggested fixes for a particular category or issue

Disk Optimizer
•Defragments your hard drive to improve data access response time
•Defragmentation can be scheduled to run automatically
•Presents a graphical view of the level of fragmentation on your hard drive
•Calculates a percentage of disk fragmentation
•Recommends whether disk fragmentation is necessary

•Scans your system for deleted files and folders
•Can recover deleted items using file signatures or Master File Table entries
•Provides a summary of deleted items with the ability to preview
•Restore selected items to a directory of your choice

Compatible with:
Windows Xp, Vista and Windows 7 (x86 and x64)

Download Here [by :mega upload] :


Oct 10, 2009

  • Detection added Sep 25 2009
  • Behavior Backdoor
  • Removal Instructions

jika komputer Anda tidak memiliki up-to-date antivirus, atau tidak memiliki solusi antivirus sama sekali, ikuti petunjuk di bawah ini untuk menghapus program berbahaya:

1. Gunakan Task Manager untuk mengakhiri proses jahat.

2. Hapus file backdoor asli
(lokasi akan tergantung pada letak trojan yang menyerang korban nya ).

3. Hapus file yang diciptakan oleh backdoor:

% AppData% \ . Exe

4. Hapus sistem berikut kunci registri:

HKLM \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Run]
"" =% AppData% \ . exe

Update antivirus database dan melakukan scan penuh komputer

virus encyclopedia the information sponsored by : Kaspersky